Monday, February 18, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Marc Jacobs Fall '13

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It was not only Valentine's Day but the Marc Jacobs show at the New York State Armory.

The last time I attended the Marc Jacobs show was exactly three years ago when I first came to New York to intern.

To be honest nothing compares to seeing the show in person, experiencing the energy and vibe, and seeing the vision and concept come together.

You can see the full show here on

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Row Fall '13

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Our show was on Monday at a beautiful upper east side town house, which we rented out and furnished for the day.  (It's currently on the market for $48 million if anyone's interested..)

This was our largest show yet, and we received such great positive feedback and reviews.

I pinch myself everyday having the opportunity to work with such a hardworking, fun, talented team.  

Check out the full show here on


Friday, February 8, 2013

My week in pictures #12

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| Chicken and waffles - Brooklyn Star |

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| Buffalo Sabres @ Kelly Sports Bar |

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| birthday surprises from Aus |

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| Brooklyn Star |

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| Some light reading |

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| a c t u a l  p a i n |

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| No name bar |

More like my month in pictures..I've been at work non stop.

There's a blizzard hitting tonight, but going into work tomorrow and Sunday and there's a 5am call time on Monday for our show!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013


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| pics from frenchvoguette. theyallhateus. romansbarbie. kaliforniaklass |